When you join Military Students at the U, you become part of a veteran community on campus. There are opportunities to volunteer within the community, organize an event of your choosing, hold office in the organization, and participate in different fundraising events. These events and opportunities help build your resume and creates connections with other veterans on campus.
Military Students at the U holds weekly meetings in the University Veterans Support Center on campus. Meetings are at 2pm every Wednesday. You are not required to participate in all of the events planned, however it is encouraged that you come to whatever events you can make it to! There is no “minimum hours” that you have to meet in order to stay in the club. Participate in what you can, when you can.
The club is currently open to students that are past/current service members and students that are using military education benefits (Post 9/11 GI Bill, Montgomery GI Bill, Voc Rehab, etc.).
There are no club fees. Just start showing up to meetings and/or sign up for the email announcements to keep up to date on events.
Joining is simple just click here and attend the next weekly meeting: held every Wednesday at 2pm at the Veterans Support Center in the Union.
Every Wednesday at 2pm in the Veterans Support Center (Rm 418 of the Union Building).
Join Our Club
Sign up to stay up to date on what Military Students at the U is doing on campus and in the community - then come when you can!